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Eating Better alliance call for significant reduction in processed meat consumption
20 September 2023
A new resource from Eating Better considers the health impacts of processed meat and highlights the need for public sector caterers and health organisations to focus efforts on reducing processed meat consumption in the UK.
Governments Retailers and manufacturers Food service

Food retailers fail to publish evidence on sustainable sourcing
7 March 2023
A new report reviews retailers’ published commitments against Eating Better’s Sourcing Better framework.
Retailers and manufacturers

Eating Better Sandwich Survey 2022
22 June 2022
Food service and food retail greatly influence how we shop and what we eat and holding them to account is key to shifting the dial to get us all eating better. Eating Better’s new report “Sandwiches Unwrapped 2022” looks at changes in vegetarian and plant-based sandwich ranges against meat-based ones, using the sandwich sector as a proxy to track and benchmark retailer commitment to sustainable eating. The analysis shows the sandwich aisle is still too meaty and plant-based too pricey.
Retailers and manufacturers Food service

Our Ready Meals survey 2021 reveals more choice and affordability for plant-based ready meals at UK supermarkets
30 June 2021
Our latest ready meals snapshot reveals that plant-based meals are the fastest growing category, up by 92% since our first survey in 2018.
Retailers and manufacturers

Sourcing Better: 8 steps for retailers and restaurants to buy better meat and dairy.
16 February 2021
Eating Better launches an ambitious plan to help retailers and restaurants source climate and nature friendly meat.
Retailers and manufacturers

Ready meals - plant based progress, but not in all supermarkets
7 September 2020
Findings from our latest and largest ever survey of 2404 ready meals shows that many supermarket’s plant-based options have come a long way. But, more than 4 out of 5 ready meals still include meat, fish or cheese.
Retailers and manufacturers

We need to talk about chicken
27 February 2020
Chicken is the most popular meat in the UK and its consumption is growing. Our new report shows the true costs of production on this scale.
Retailers and manufacturers

Better by half: A roadmap to less and better meat and dairy
24 July 2019
Public health bodies, farmers, MPs, environmentalists and animal welfare experts set out actions to improve what we eat
Governments Producers Retailers and manufacturers Food service Financial institutions and investors

Sandwiches unwrapped: snapshot report 2019
22 May 2019
It’s British Sandwich Week and new research makes clear the health, environmental and animal welfare impact of this popular lunch time food.
Retailers and manufacturers

Ready Meals – ready in minutes, but not ready for the future
9 July 2018
Our latest survey of ready meals in the top UK supermarkets shows that they aren’t serving the demand for healthier plant-based options, and the meat used as an ingredient in ready meals is falling short.
Retailers and manufacturers

Let's make more sustainable sandwich choices
6 February 2018
In the UK we love sandwiches, they are a hugely popular lunch-time option. But a new study has found our choices have a staggering carbon footprint. What can be done?
Retailers and manufacturers

Slim pickings for a meat free lunch
9 May 2016
Eating Better launches #MeatFreeLunch campaign to help lighten meat-heavy diets.
Retailers and manufacturers

Meat-filled sandwiches leave consumers hamstrung for a healthy planet-friendly lunch
11 May 2015
Survey of over 600 sandwiches finds consumers trying to go meat-free at lunchtime will struggle to find a choice of sandwiches that fits the bill.
Retailers and manufacturers