Key findings
- 84% of sandwiches in the UK high street contain meat, fish or cheese, a drop of only 1% on our last sandwich survey in 2019.
- Meat is the main ingredient in 59% of the sample we surveyed. Of those 38% contain red or processed meat and 28% contain chicken.
- More than 50% of sandwiches, with high salt or high fat levels, contain meat.
- Alternative protein as a meat-free sandwich filling has gone up by 620% since our 2019 survey.
- Tesco has reduced its meat-free sandwich offer by 28% on 2019 figures, whilst Morrisons and Asda have removed their plant-based sandwich options entirely.
- On average, plant-based options are the most expensive sandwich type, e.g Sainsbury’s plant-based offer is 15% more expensive than its meat offer.
- The range has decreased across the board since our 2019 survey, shrinking by more than 50% at some outlets.
- Food service is out performing food retail, in terms of providing more sustainable offers, with 34% of their sandwiches meat-free and half of this is plant-based.
Find out more in our "Sandwiches Unwrapped 2022" report.