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Nourishing Justice

We recognise the significant influence we wield through our extensive networks and platforms. More importantly, we understand our unique position as an agent of change, with a responsibility to encourage and mobilise our alliance towards proactive actions that foster a fair and just food system for all. 

We recognise that we have a sphere of influence and access to a wide range of networks, most importantly have the opportunity to act as an agent of change and do our part to encourage and support the alliance to take proactive action aimed at cultivating a food system rooted in justice and equity.

In the context of healthy and sustainable diets, food and racial justice intersect in several important ways. This agenda advocates for sustainable diets and reducing the overall consumption of meat and dairy while improving the quality and sustainability of what is consumed. When viewed through the lens of food and racial justice, the implications and impacts of this shift need careful consideration to ensure that the transition does not perpetuate existing inequalities but instead contributes to a more equitable food system.

This project, Nourishing Justice, through collaboration, intends to kick-start the consistent use of that lens by actors within our movement, in order to help achieve an equitable transition and tackle systemic inequalities. 

Nourishing justice resources

To help our members and beyond, we have created the Nourishing Justice Toolkit. This resource is designed to be informative, but also practical. There are many ideas to take inspiration from, we recommend just starting with a few! Through case studies, recommendations and a detailed glossary, available as one report and separately, we aim to inspire organisations to take meaningful steps towards transformative system change, with the understanding that true transformation must also begin from within.

Read the resources here:

'Nourishing Justice' yn Cymraeg

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'How to be an anti-racist organisation' workshop series

Last month Sustain and Eating Better held the first of three workshops on ‘How to be an anti-racist organisation’ with the support of Social Justice Collective. The aim of the first workshop was to focus on self reflection and understanding as we know that a lack of confidence around language and terms is a barrier for people to engage with anti-racist practice.

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