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Feedback launches retailer environmental scorecard
16 June 2021
Eating Better member organisation Feedback has just published their Meat and Climate Supermarket Scorecard for 2021, ranking the top ten UK retailers on their work to address the climate crisis by reducing the environmental impact of the meat and dairy they sell.
Retailers and manufacturers
New Veg Facts 2021 report finds both adults and children are still not consuming enough veg
15 June 2021
The Veg Facts 2021 report from Peas Please continues to show both adults and children are not consuming enough veg to meet the Government’s Eatwell Guide recommendations, with 29% of 5-10 year olds eating less than a portion of veg a day.
Retailers and manufacturers
Making progress: less meat and more plants in public sector meals.
14 May 2021
The results from our latest survey with Public Sector Catering show the sector’s continued progress towards serving less meat in public sector meals.
Food service
Mental Health Awareness Week: the benefits of good food, family, friends and nature
14 May 2021
Eating Better Trustee Duncan Williamson and founder at Nourishing Food Systems looks at the connections between nutrition and nature for our mental wellbeing.
Taking the pulse of plant protein production in the UK
13 May 2021
Hodmedods leads the way on getting more home-grown pulses into British kitchens.
Half a million chickens on one farm - is this really agriculture?
12 May 2021
During my research into intensive chicken farming across Herefordshire and Shropshire I encountered many modern poultry units over the last few years. And as I have walked close to the massive metal clad ‘sheds’, each of which stretches over 100m, one question has kept nagging at me: is this actually farming?
Earth Day 2021: Five ways to eat #LessAndBetter to protect our planet
21 April 2021
As we emerge from the pandemic, it’s time to hit reset - we can’t go back to business-as-usual. We need to take action to fix the climate and nature emergency, but we can’t do this without tackling food.
Retailers and manufacturers
School Food Matters joins Eating Better
19 April 2021
School Food Matters is the newest member to Eating Better, bringing another major voice on school food advocacy to the alliance. The charity exists to teach children about food, where it comes from and how it’s grown and to improve children’s access to healthy, sustainable food.
Red wall voters want the government to do more to help British farmers produce better
19 April 2021
Last year Unchecked UK carried out a series of teleforums with swing voters in five “Red Wall’ constituencies that changed hands from Labour to Conservative in the December 2019 election. They explored how the constituents felt about regulation and standards in general, and specifically in relation to both food and climate change.
What are retailers doing to support a transition to ‘less and better’ meat and dairy?
19 April 2021
A new study interviews senior retail representatives to explore their perceptions of sustainable diets, the strategies they’re adopting to provide and promote ‘less and better’, and the challenges they face in doing so, providing insight as to the progress that’s been made on this agenda.
Retailers and manufacturers
Organic livestock's antibiotic use is four times lower than the UK average
15 April 2021
Alliance member, Alliance to Save our Antibiotics, recently published a new report that shows that organic livestock farms certified by the Soil Association use far fewer antibiotics than the UK average. The survey, covering over 200 farms, found that the organic farms used less than a quarter of the amount of antibiotics used on non-organic farms.
Lessons from lockdown: eating better with #foodmadegood and the Sustainable Restaurant Association
12 April 2021
Food lovers across the UK have had a long time to contemplate their passion this last year. In one of the precious few positives to emerge from the pandemic, survey after survey shows our relationship with food has changed – for the better.
Food service
World Water Day: Protecting our precious waterways with climate and nature-friendly farming
19 March 2021
Rivers and streams are the blue arteries of our landscape. The freshwater that flows through them is the lifeblood that sustains our food and farming system, pumping the soils in our fields with nutrients to grow crops and feed grazing cattle.
COP26 must put food systems on the agenda say NGOs, industry bodies and local councils
12 March 2021
The UN COP26 climate talks held in the city later this year ‘must tackle food systems’ to get the world eating better and on track for net-zero.
Sourcing Better: 8 steps for retailers and restaurants to buy better meat and dairy.
16 February 2021
Eating Better launches an ambitious plan to help retailers and restaurants source climate and nature friendly meat.
Retailers and manufacturers
Food systems impact on biodiversity loss report by Chatham House UNEP and CIWF
15 February 2021
Agriculture is the main threat to 86% of the 28,000 species known to be at risk of extinction, according to the new report from Chatham House, supported by UNEP and Compassion in World Farming.
Good Food Institute Europe joins Eating Better
15 February 2021
The Good Food Institute Europe is a welcome addition to the Eating Better alliance at this critical juncture, bringing its interest in alternatives such as plant-based protein and cell based meat.
Decarbonising agriculture: more “green gas” or “less and better” meat?
8 February 2021
Anaerobic digestion plants promise to digest the huge volumes of manure and slurries produced by UK livestock farms, and produce biomethane for the gas grid as well as fertiliser for crops. However, they may actually drive more and worse meat production, says Martin Bowman of Feedback.
Build Back Better: Our Impact report 2019-20
12 November 2020
This year, food systems suffered a massive shock. Check out what we have been doing to drive progress, and our plans to build back better.
Growing public support for less and better meat
12 November 2020
Our latest public attitudes survey shows many of us are eating less meat and willing to cut down further. Plus, most of us would like to support farmers that have high animal welfare and environmental standards.
BDA and Aldi launch sustainable and healthy shopping basket
5 October 2020
BDA works with Aldi to help customers understand more about healthy, sustainable and affordable shopping habits.
Retailers and manufacturers
Measuring progress towards better meat and dairy
28 September 2020
We are working to explore a common set a common vision of 'better' meat and dairy and a set of measures that can be used with food businesses.
Reflecting on livestock controversies: perspectives from civil society and researchers
22 September 2020
New FCRN report 'Where do NGOs and researchers want to see more research on livestock and protein?'
Ready meals - plant based progress, but not in all supermarkets
7 September 2020
Findings from our latest and largest ever survey of 2404 ready meals shows that many supermarket’s plant-based options have come a long way. But, more than 4 out of 5 ready meals still include meat, fish or cheese.
Retailers and manufacturers