Eating Better

Buying Better: how shopping and eating sustainably can help tackle climate change and nature loss
25 November 2021
Agriculture is a huge contributor to the climate and nature crises. According to WWF UK, 30% of human-made greenhouse gas emissions are caused by food production and 60% of global nature loss is caused by the food system.
Retailers and manufacturers

Living with Cows in a Net Zero Future
17 November 2021
Eating Better took part in an event during Nourish Scotland’s “Recipes for Resilience” at COP26 called “Living with Cows in a Net Zero Future”.

Table talk: Eating Better reflects on food matters at COP26 and beyond
17 November 2021
Eating Better went to Glasgow, primarily, to support our alliance member, Nourish Scotland’s Recipes for Resilience programme.

The Glasgow Food and Climate Declaration presented at COP26
11 November 2021
Eating Better is a supporter of the Glasgow Food and Climate Declaration and attended the official presentation at Glasgow City Chambers on COP26 Nature Day.

Eating Better at COP26 Glasgow
8 November 2021
Eating Better was in Glasgow for the first week of COP26, taking part in the Recipes for Resilience series of events hosted by alliance member, Nourish Scotland.

Driving ambition: our Impact Report 2020-21
25 October 2021
Looking at this year’s achievements, including progress against our Better by Half roadmap and the content of the National Food Strategy published in July, it feels as if we’ve turned a corner...

Serving Better: every meal counts in a climate and nature emergency
18 October 2021
Local diets have global impacts. We have developed a new guide and film to support local authorities to serve and source healthier, more sustainable meals.
Governments Food service

Eat: Festivals joins Eating Better
22 September 2021
‘Good stuff happens after a great meal’ is the motto of our newest member to the Eating Better alliance, eat:Festivals, a not-for-profit social enterprise, which operates predominantly in the South West of England.

Producing Better - our first ever brand film
10 September 2021
‘Producing Better’ is the first in our trilogy of Eating Better films which aim to bring our “Better by Half” roadmap to life, showcasing the businesses and organisations that are putting sustainability at the heart of their operations...

Eating Better alliance welcomes landmark new report
15 July 2021
The National Food Strategy outlines a comprehensive plan to get us all eating better over the next decade, from a salt and sugar tax on processed foods to better support for farmers to move to more sustainable models, and teaching school children about food and how to cook.

Our Ready Meals survey 2021 reveals more choice and affordability for plant-based ready meals at UK supermarkets
30 June 2021
Our latest ready meals snapshot reveals that plant-based meals are the fastest growing category, up by 92% since our first survey in 2018.
Retailers and manufacturers

The Wildlife Trusts join Eating Better
17 June 2021
Eating Better is delighted to welcome The Wildlife Trusts as its newest supporter, bringing a new voice to our campaign and proving that eating “less and better” is good for nature and climate.

Feedback launches retailer environmental scorecard
16 June 2021
Eating Better member organisation Feedback has just published their Meat and Climate Supermarket Scorecard for 2021, ranking the top ten UK retailers on their work to address the climate crisis by reducing the environmental impact of the meat and dairy they sell.
Retailers and manufacturers

Taking the pulse of plant protein production in the UK
13 May 2021
Hodmedods leads the way on getting more home-grown pulses into British kitchens.

Half a million chickens on one farm - is this really agriculture?
12 May 2021
During my research into intensive chicken farming across Herefordshire and Shropshire I encountered many modern poultry units over the last few years. And as I have walked close to the massive metal clad ‘sheds’, each of which stretches over 100m, one question has kept nagging at me: is this actually farming?

World Water Day: Protecting our precious waterways with climate and nature-friendly farming
19 March 2021
Rivers and streams are the blue arteries of our landscape. The freshwater that flows through them is the lifeblood that sustains our food and farming system, pumping the soils in our fields with nutrients to grow crops and feed grazing cattle.

Food systems impact on biodiversity loss report by Chatham House UNEP and CIWF
15 February 2021
Agriculture is the main threat to 86% of the 28,000 species known to be at risk of extinction, according to the new report from Chatham House, supported by UNEP and Compassion in World Farming.

Good Food Institute Europe joins Eating Better
15 February 2021
The Good Food Institute Europe is a welcome addition to the Eating Better alliance at this critical juncture, bringing its interest in alternatives such as plant-based protein and cell based meat.

BDA and Aldi launch sustainable and healthy shopping basket
5 October 2020
BDA works with Aldi to help customers understand more about healthy, sustainable and affordable shopping habits.
Retailers and manufacturers